Bauman Rare Books Early 2020 Online Catalogue
T R A V E L & E X P L O R A T I O N
B A U M A N R A R E B O O K S • E A R L Y 2 0 2 0 O N L I N E
Signed By Anne Morrow Lindbergh And Inscribed In The Year Of Publication By Charles Lindbergh LINDBERGH, Anne Morrow. North to the Orient. New York, 1935. Octavo, original blue cloth, dust jacket. $2900. View on Website First edition of Anne Morrow Lindbergh’s account of her journey to Alaska and along the Arctic Circle to Russia, China and Japan, signed by Anne Morrow Lindbergh and inscribed by Charles Lindbergh in the year of publication: “Charles A. Lindbergh. North Haven—1935.” In July of 1931, Anne Morrow Lindbergh took off with her husband Charles in their aircraft Sirius on a journey that would extend for over two months and take her to places “where no white woman had been before.” Their voyage took them from College Point, Long Island, to Alaska, then by way of St. Lawrence Island to Siberia, Kamchatka, and Japan. From Osaka, where they discovered a stowaway in the plane, they crossed the Yellow Sea to China and went up the Yangtze River to Nanking, where they brought aid to flood refugees. With photographic frontispiece and numerous in-text cartographic illustrations from maps by Charles Lindbergh. Book fine; light edge-wear, trace of creasing to front flap of bright near-fine dust jacket.
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