Bauman Rare Books Early 2020 Online Catalogue
T R A V E L & E X P L O R A T I O N
B A U M A N R A R E B O O K S • E A R L Y 2 0 2 0 O N L I N E
“Monuments Of Intellectual Worth And Glory”: With 60 Finely Engraved Picturesque Views Of Italian Scenery
(ITALY) BATTY, Elizabeth Frances. Italian Scenery. London, 1820. Royal octavo, contemporary full straight-grain black morocco gilt. $2000. View on Website First edition of this lovely volume of picturesque views throughout Italy, with 60 fine engraved plates, engraved vignette title page and vignette tailpiece, beautifully bound in contemporary morocco-gilt by Hering, with his binder’s ticket. “To have seen Italy is an advantage which may be ranked amongst the highest means of mental improvement, and is by many considered the necessary complement of a classical education… Italy has been the seat of empire, and still will continue to be the nursery of genius and repository of the fine arts; second only to Greece in interest, but surpassing it, perhaps, in magnificence and variety of scenery, every spot of her surface, every mountain, every rivulet, have been illustrated by the energies of the human mind, and are become monuments of intellectual worth and glory” (pp. 1-2). A lovely, delightfully illustrated volume in fine condition.
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