Bauman Rare Books Early 2020 Online Catalogue
B A U M A N R A R E B O O K S • E A R L Y 2 0 2 0 O N L I N E
“Crackling Drama On The High Seas” WOUK, Herman. The Caine Mutiny. Garden City, New York, 1951. Octavo, original blue cloth, dust jacket. $3200. View on Website First edition, second printing, issued the month after the first, of Wouk’ Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, inscribed: “Inscribed for C— H— by the author Herman Wouk. Apr 94.” Awarded the 1951 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, Wouk’s novel “stands somewhere between Norman Mailer’s Naked and the Dead and James Jones’ From Here to Eternity … No writer has worked harder at the amassing of the historical facts about WWII… Caine Mutiny remains Wouk’s best book” (Burgess, 99 Novels , 56). “A crackling drama on the high seas leading up to a riveting courtroom scene, it introduced readers to the unforgettable Capt. Philip F. Queeg, a seething blend of paranoia and incompetence, constantly fiddling anxiously with two steel ball bearings in his left hand. When he steers the ship toward certain disaster in a typhoon, his junior officers remove him from command, an act for which they later face court-martial” ( New York Times ). “Taut and focused, the book is a riveting exploration of power, personal freedom and responsibility” ( Los Angeles Times ). The decade before his death, the Library of Congress awarded Wouk its first lifetime achievement award for fiction. Basis for the classic 1954 film starring Humphrey Bogart. Second printing, without “First Edition” on the title page; dust jacket with “ City Boy ” on back panel. Book fine; light edge- wear, mild soiling to bright near-fine price-clipped dust jacket.
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