Bauman Rare Books Early 2020 Online Catalogue
B A U M A N R A R E B O O K S • E A R L Y 2 0 2 0 O N L I N E
“Women Must Come Into Intelligent Association With Those Who Supply Their Demands” RICHARDSON, Bertha June. The Woman Who Spends. A Study of Her Economic Function. Boston, 1904. Octavo, original gilt-stamped red cloth. $1250. View on Website First edition of this work of social economics focusing on the spending habits of woman and their ethical implications. “This book is needed to bring back vision to those women who have been dulled to the possibilities within their reach by the monotonous daily routine and the hard necessity of making ends meet, and to correct false standards of values and of things worth spending for” ( Survey ). “Richardson’s book is at least a tiny ray of light shining in the wilderness which has to be traveled by the woman who spends” ( Independent ). Only minor soiling to endpapers, slight rubbing and toning to spine, gilt bright. A near-fine copy.
“As social economics is coming more and more to be a woman’s problem, this little book… ought to be of
general interest.” —A.L.A. Booklist
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