Bauman Rare Books Early 2020 Online Catalogue

H I S T O R Y , P H I L O S O P H Y & R E L I G I O N

B A U M A N R A R E B O O K S • E A R L Y 2 0 2 0 O N L I N E

Rare 1680-83 First Edition Of The Targum On Chronicles, In Contemporary Calf-Gilt

(HEBREW BIBLE). Targum shel Divrei ha-Yamim. Paraphrasis Chaldaica I[-II] Libri Chronicorum. Augsburg, 1680-83. Two volumes. Small quarto, contemporary full calf gilt. $3500. View on Website First edition of the Targum on Chronicles, printed from an Erfurt manuscript, edited with a Latin translation by Matthias Friedrich Beck. With two in-text engravings and engraved vignettes on title pages by Melchior Haffner. A handsome copy in contemporary calf-gilt. Scarce. “No Targum to this book (Chronicles) was known to exist until the appearance of the Polyglot Bibles. It was first published in 1680-83… This Targum is essentially a literal rendering of the Hebrew original, although midrashic amplifications are also employed… The date of the Targum may be surmised from the translation of geographical names, as well as their rendering into modern forms. The final redaction of the Erfurt manuscript has been assigned to the eighth century” ( Encyclopedia Judaica ). Title page of Volume II trimmed a little closely, just affecting imprint line only. Text quite clean. Bindings lightly rubbed, but quite sound and very attractive. Most desirable in contemporary calf. Scarce.

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