Bauman Rare Books Early 2020 Online Catalogue
H I S T O R Y , P H I L O S O P H Y & R E L I G I O N
B A U M A N R A R E B O O K S • E A R L Y 2 0 2 0 O N L I N E
Elaborately Bound By Dubuisson: French Royal Almanac For The Year 1787 FRENCH ALMANAC. Almanach Royal, Année M.DCC. LXXXVII. Paris, 1787. Octavo, contemporary full burgundy morocco gilt. $7500. View on Website French Almanach Royal for the year 1787, a rare volume displaying a gilt-tooled royal coat of arms on both boards, in distinguished morocco with elaborate gilt tooling by plaque of celebrated royal binder Pierre Paul Dubuisson. This official Almanach Royal for 1787, one of a yearly series founded by Laurent d’Houry, chronicles the births, marriages and deaths of French royalty, along with extensive coverage of other governmental, legislative and cultural officials. The sumptuous binding of this rare volume features one of the plaque models attributed to Dubuisson and identified by Edouard Rahir: no. 184k ( Livres dans de riches reliures , plate 38). The exceptionally skilled Dubuisson became the official bookbinder to King Louis XV in 1758. He is credited with the invention of gold tooling by plaque; each designed with elaborate borders, leaving space in the center for the owner’s armorial coat of arms. The gilt-tooled centerpiece on these boards features, among its heraldic elements, the triple fleur de lis of the House of Orléans. Title page with engraved royal coat of arms. Occasional light foxing. Light age-wear to handsome armorial morocco-gilt. A magnificently bound volume in about-fine condition; a splendid specimen of Dubuisson’s art.
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