Bauman Rare Books Early 2020 Online Catalogue
B A U M A N R A R E B O O K S • E A R L Y 2 0 2 0 O N L I N E
“This Book… Embodied The Efforts [Schumpeter] Had Been Promoting Since His Years In Bonn” W.L. CRUM and Joseph A. SCHUMPETER. Rudimentary Mathematics for Economists and Statisticians. New York, 1946. Octavo, original red-brown cloth, dust jacket. $1200. View on Website First edition of this essential primer, co-authored by Joseph Schumpeter and W.L. Crum. W. Leonard Crum, Harvard Professor of Economics, first wrote a Supplement with this title for the 1938 Quarterly Journal of Economics , and it quickly sold out. The decision was made to print as a separate volume a considerably revised and expanded treatment of the subject. “The present volume could not have… reflected such marked improvement in content and presentation, had the task of revision not been largely assumed by… Schumpeter,” Crum notes in the Preface. “This book, which embodied the efforts he had been promoting since his years in Bonn, would take students ‘from the creeping to the crawling stage,’ Schumpeter told a friend” (McKraw, 470). Interior bright, original cloth clean with slight bumping to spine extremities, original dust jacket with chips to spine and corners, toning to spine. A very good copy.
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