Bauman Rare Books Early 2020 Online Catalogue


B A U M A N R A R E B O O K S • E A R L Y 2 0 2 0 O N L I N E

“Everything Which Concerns Wealth In Its General Sense Comes Within The Scope Of Economics” FISHER, Irving. Elementary Principles of Economics. New York, 1912. Thick octavo, original red cloth. $2600. View on Website Definitive edition—the first to be offered to the general public—of Fisher’s elementary treatise on the principles of economics. Developed with the idea of breaking down initial misconceptions about economics at the outset and then imparting fundamentals, Fisher’s Elementary Principles of Economics was innovative its design. Intended to give a broad introduction to the both major and minor topics in economics, it covers everything from the most basic definitions such as “wealth” and “money,” to the law of supply and demand, to the societal costs of wealth. Considered “the father of monetary economics” (Pressman, 91), “Irving Fisher was, in the opinion of many, the leading economic theorist in the United States during the first half of the 20th century” (ANB). Two experimental editions preceded this edition, beginning in 1910; they were released solely to students at Yale. Spine a bit toned. A fine copy, scarce.

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