Bauman Rare Books Early 2020 Online Catalogue
B A U M A N R A R E B O O K S • E A R L Y 2 0 2 0 O N L I N E
“Wall Street… The Paramount Financial Centre Of The Globe” MEDBERY, James K. Men and Mysteries of Wall Street. Boston, 1870. Small octavo, original gilt-stamped pictorial green cloth recased. $2500. View on Website First edition of this crucial work on the workings of Wall Street by a 19th-century insider, with six illustrations of Wall Street. “A valuable work on the machinery, methods and language of the stock and gold markets and on bankers and brokers of Wall Street about 1870. Much on individual firms and men, and on types and speculators. Also on panics, 1837-60… One of the better works on Wall Street written by an insider” (Larson 1628). Medbery observes, “that power which, for lack of a better name, common usage denotes Wall Street, has become of overshadowing importance… Indeed, if the United States holds steadfastly to the prosperities of peace, in three
decades it will be the controlling financial force of the world… [This work is a] survey of some of the more obvious phenomena of Wall Street, and with especial reference to its speculative transactions.” Chapters include “The New York Stock Exchange,” “The Machinery of Speculation,” “Margins and the Loan Market,” “The Great Operators,” “The Outsiders,” “In the Gold Room,” “The Mining Board,” etc. Owner stamp of F.M. Antisell, who patented the wrestplank (or pinblock, in American terminology), which holds the tuning pins in a modern piano. A few spots of soiling to interior, expert restoration to original cloth, gilt bright.
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