Bauman Rare Books Early 2020 Online Catalogue


B A U M A N R A R E B O O K S • E A R L Y 2 0 2 0 O N L I N E

“About 7:40 A.M. The Motor Was Started And At 7:52 I Took Off On The Flight For Paris”

LINDBERGH, Charles A. We. The Flier’s Own Story of his Life and his Transatlantic Flight, together with His Views on the Future of Aviation. New York and London, 1927. Large octavo, original three- quarter vellum gilt. $4600. View on Website “Author’s Autograph Edition,” one of 1000 copies signed by Lindbergh along with “G.P. Putnam’s Sons” on the same page, featuring numerous photographs and illustrations. Lindbergh’s first autobiographical work recounts his education as an aviator, his early career, and the 1927 flight that made him famous. Issued along with 100 copies signed by Lindbergh and the publisher for presentation, no priority established. Without original publisher’s box and fragile glassine. Laid into this copy are the publisher’s original shipping label, a publisher’s pamphlet of press reports, and a publisher’s note that states that “though issued some weeks later than the popular edition, the Autograph edition consists of first impressions on Old Stratford Linen paper, from type not previously used,—the popular edition being printed from electrotypes taken from that type. The illustrations are from plates used for the first time.” Fine condition.

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