Bauman Rare Books Early 2020 Online Catalogue
B A U M A N R A R E B O O K S • E A R L Y 2 0 2 0 O N L I N E
Vintage Photographic Portrait Inscribed By Theodore Roosevelt
ROOSEVELT, Theodore. Photograph inscribed. No place, circa 1898. Oval photographic print (measuring 8-1/2 by 11 inches); beautifully framed, entire piece measures 12 by 15 inches. $7500. View on Website Striking and large photographic portrait of President Theodore Roosevelt, circa 1904, inscribed: “with regards of Theodore Roosevelt Feb 17th 1904.” Beautifully framed. This dignified head-and-shoulders portrait of President Theodore Roosevelt was taken at by the Pach Brothers in New York shortly after Roosevelt and his Rough Riders returned to New York from their victories in Cuba during the Spanish- American war; Roosevelt quickly became a candidate for governor of New York, to which he was elected in November. In February 1904, Roosevelt was nearing the end of his first term as President. On the reverse of this piece is a typed note on the letterhead of the Theodore Roosevelt Association dated 1979 explaining that on the date of this inscription, “President Roosevelt was in Washington, where he attended the funeral services for Mark Hanna. He also had an appointment that day with Senator Albert J. Beveridge of Indiana and another with General Joe Wheeler.” Hanna was an extraordinarily influential Senator from Ohio and served as both an ally and sometimes rival with Roosevelt in the Republican party; Hanna’s death on February 15 assured that Roosevelt would have no serious challengers at the Republican convention in Chicago in June. Fine condition, wonderfully framed.
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