Bauman Rare Books Early 2020 Online Catalogue

B L A C K H I S T O R Y & L I T E R A T U R E

B A U M A N R A R E B O O K S • E A R L Y 2 0 2 0 O N L I N E

“The Best Known African American Unit Of WWI”

(WORLD WAR I) LITTLE, Arthur W. From Harlem to the Rhine. The Story of New York’s Colored Volunteers. New York, 1936. Octavo, original blue cloth, dust jacket. $1250. View on Website First edition of Colonel Little’s photo-illustrated history of the pioneering WWI African American combat unit, famed as the “Harlem Hellfighters,” signed by the author, a white officer of the regiment, also with the inscription in an unidentified hand: “This book is presented to Edward Goodell, at the suggestion of ‘Trainee’ Arthur W. Little, Jr., 5th Co. Plattsburg 1940— with the compliments of the author—September 12th 1940,” in scarce dust jacket. Begun as a National Guard Infantry Regiment, “manned by black enlisted soldiers with both black and white officers, the 369th Infantry Regiment, popularly known as the ‘Harlem Hellfighters,’ was the best known African American unit of WWI… Spending over six months in combat, perhaps the longest of any American unit in the war, the 369th suffered approximately 1500 casualties” ( BlackPast ). In his slave narrative, “Frederick Douglass had likened his master to a snake; now a rattlesnake adorned the black veterans’ uniforms— their insignia.” On coming home, they were welcomed with a parade up Fifth Avenue. It was “the first opportunity the City of New York had to greet a full regiment of returning doughboys, black or white” (Gates, Who Were the Harlem Hellfighters? ). Here Col. Little, the white chief of Staff to Col. Hayward, the white commander, offers the first complete story of Harlem Hellfighters, including training in South Carolina where they faced violent racist attacks. In his account of the NY parade, he writes that the people “did not give us their welcome because ours was a regiment of colored soldiers. They did not give us their welcome in spite of ours being a regiment of colored soldiers. They greeted us that day from hearts filled with gratitude and with pride.” Photographic endpapers of the NY parade from The Sun ; containing frontispiece of Henry Johnson and Needham Roberts, the “first American Privates in the Army of France to receive the Croix de Guerre,” with 30 full-page black-and-white photographic illustrations; regiment’s insignia of a rattlesnake on the front board. Faintest toning to spine of about-fine book; light edge-wear, mild creasing, small bit of tape reinforcement to verso of very good dust jacket.

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