Bauman Rare Books Early 2020 Online Catalogue
C H I L D R E N ’ S L I T E R A T U R E
B A U M A N R A R E B O O K S • E A R L Y 2 0 2 0 O N L I N E
My Bookhouse : An Illustrated Treasury Of Children’s Classics, In Original Painted Wooden “Book House,” All In Exceptional Condition MILLER, Olive Beaupré. My Bookhouse. WITH: My Travelship. Chicago, 1925-27. Altogether nine volumes. My Bookhouse : Octavo, original green cloth, mounted cover illustrations; My Travelship : Quarto, original colored cloths, mounted cover illustrations, together in painted wooden “book house.” $3900. View on Website Early printing of the beloved My Bookhouse series, “the first collection of children’s literature that was graded to meet the developing needs and abilities of children at different ages,” and illustrated by some of the foremost illustrators of the period. This is a complete set of six original volumes, together with the complete three volumes of My Travelship, together under one roof in the original publisher’s wooden “book house.” In 1919, Olive Beaupré Miller got the idea for My Bookhouse , launching her venture by selling subscriptions to a six volume set— peddled door-to-door by her force of “Bookhouse Ladies.” Three years later, the sixth volume was published and the full set was offered in a cardboard “house.” The additional series of My Travelship appeared in 1926 and a painted wooden book house (offered here) was included as an incentive to complete the set. “The utilization of women in all phases of its business activity was one of the unique aspects of the Book House for Children. Not only was there an all-woman sales force, but the majority of the employees were women” (Taylor, 30). This delightful treasury of classic children’s tales gathers works by authors ranging from John Milton to Carl Sandburg, as well as many folktales, all embellished by some of the premier illustrators of the time, including Dorothy Hope Smith, Katherine Dodge, Maud and Miska Petersham, Edward Kemble, Willy Pogány, Johnny Gruelle and, predominantly, Donn P. Crane, one of America’s first “fantasy” artists. My Bookhouse “was the first collection of children’s literature that was graded to meet the developing needs and abilities of children at different ages” (Smith College). Taylor, 89- 113. The books and the bookhouse are both in exceptionally nice condition, far better than usually seen. A beautiful collection.
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